
Mr. Joshua Jones


Mr. Mike Koval
Vice President

Mrs. Jill Martin

Ms. Jill Martin


Mr. Larry Geib


Mrs.  Kayla Leiberher


 Mrs. Mandy Braden

Alicia Haldeman

Mrs. Alicia Haldeman


Ms. Suzan Gilligan 


Mr. Dave Laudermilch

Board Resources & Policies

Board meetings and Committee meetings are open to the public. Procedures for public comment are outlined in Board Policy No. 006, Meetings.  Public comment is allowed at the end of each Committee meeting. People who wish to address the Board at the regular Board meeting are asked to call the District Office by Thursday at 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting.

The Board of School Directors of the Palmyra Area School District will conduct public meetings on the dates below beginning at 6:00 p.m.  

Meetings are held in the District Office Boardroom located at 1125 Park Drive, Palmyra, PA.  Please enter through the doors located on the east side of the building marked "District Office".  

Policies Currently Under Review
Table of Content/ Index
Index Alphabetic Index
Content Table of Content
000 - Procedures
000 Board Policy Procedure Administrative Regulations
001 Name and Classification
002 Authority & Powers
003 Functions
004 Membership
005 Organization
006 Meetings
006.1 Attendance at Meetings via Electronic Communications
007 Distribution
100 - Programs
100 Comprehensive Planning
101 Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Shared Values
102 Academic Standards
103 Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students
103.1 Nondiscrimination - Qualified Students with Disabilities
104 Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Staff
105 Curriculum
105.1 Review of Instructional Materials by Parents/Guardians and Students
105.2 Exemption From Instruction
106 Guides for Planned Instruction
107 Adoption of Planned Instruction
108 Adoption of Textbooks
109 Resource Materials
110 Instructional Supplies
111 Lesson Plans
112 School Counseling Programs
113 Special Education
113.1 Discipline of Students with Disabilities
113.2 Behavior Support
113.3 Screening &Evals for Students with Disabilities
113.4 Confidentiality of Special Education Student Information
114 Gifted Education
115 Career and Technical Education
116 Tutoring
117 Homebound Instruction
118 Independent Study
118.1 Dual Enrollment
119 Current Events
121 Field Trips
122 Extracurricular Activities
123 Interscholastic Athletics
123.1 Concussion Management
123.2 Sudden Cardiac Arrest
123.3 Recognition of Club Sports Programs
123.4 Male Participation on Female Sports Teams/Female Participation on Male Sports Teams
124 Summer School/Alternative Instruction
125 Adult Education
126 Class Size
127 Assessment of Educational Program
130 Homework
137 Home Education Programs
137.1 Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students
137.2 Participation in Cocurricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students
137.3 Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Home Education Students
138 Language Instruction Educational Program for English Learners
140 Charter Schools
140.1 Extracurricular Participation by Charter/Cyber Charter Students
142 Migrant Students
143 Standards for Persistently Dangerous Schools
144 Standards for Victims of Violent Crimes
146 Student Services
150 Comparability of Services
200 - Pupils
Enrollment of Students
Admission of Students
Eligibility of Nonresident Students
Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
HIV Infection 
Assignment Within the District
Confidential Communications of Students
208 Withdrawal From School
209 Health Examinations/Screenings
209.2 Diabetes Management
Student Accident Insurance
Reporting Pupil Progress
Assessment of Student Progress
Class Rank
Promotion & Retention
Student Records
Supplemental Discipline Records
Graduation Requirements
Student Discipline
218.2 Terroristic Threats
218.3 Discipline of Student Convicted/Adjudicated of Sexual Assault
219 Student Complaint Process
220 Student Expression/Distribution and Posting of Materials
221 Dress & Grooming
222 Tobacco and Vaping Products
223 Use of Bicycles & Motor Vehicles
224 Care of School Property
225 Students & the Police
226 Searches
227 Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
228 Student Government
229 Student Fund Raising
230 Public Performances By Students
231 Social Events & Class Trips
231.1 Family Educational Trips
232 Participation in School Affairs
233 Suspension/Expulsion
234 Pregnant Students
235 Student Rights / Surveys
236 Student Assistance Program
236.1 Threat Assessment
239 Foreign Exchange Students
240 Awards
246 School Wellness
247 Hazing
249 Bullying/Cyberbullying
250 Student Recruitment
251 Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Care and Other Educational Instability
252 Dating Violence
254 Student Recruitment
300 - Administrative Employees
301 Creating a Position
302 Employment of Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent
303 Employment of Administrators
308 Employment Contract
309 Assignment and Transfer
310 Abolishing a Position
311 Suspensions & Furloughs
312 Evaluation of the Superintendent
313 Evaluation of Administrative Employees
314 Physical Examination
314.1 HIV Infection
315 Disqualification by Reason of Health
316 Non-Tenured Employees
317 Disciplinary Procedures
317.1 Educator Misconduct
319 Outside Activities
320 Freedom of Speech in Non-School Settings
321 Political Activities
322 Gifts
323 Tobacco and Vaping Products
324 Personnel Files
325 Dress & Grooming
326 Complaint Policy
327 Management Team
328 Wage and Salary
331 Job Related Expenses
333 Professional Development
334 Sick Leave
335 Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993
337 Military Leave of Absence
338 Sabbatical Leave
339 Uncompensated Leave
340 Responsibility of Student Welfare
342 Jury Duty
351 Controlled Substance Abuse
400 - Professional Employees
401 Creating a Position
404 Employment of Professional Employees
405 Employment of Substitute Professional Employees
406 Employment of Summer School Staff
407 Student Teachers
408 Employment Contract
409 Assignment & Transfer
410 Abolishing a Position
411 Suspensions & Furloughs
412 Evaluation of Professional Employees
413 Evaluation of Temporary Professional Employees
414.1 HIV Infection
415 Disqualification by Reason of Health
416 Non-Tenured Staff Members
417 Disciplinary Procedures
417.1 Staff-Student Communications
418 Penalties for Tardiness
419 Outside Activities
420 Freedom of Speech in Non-Instructional Settings
421 Political Activities
422 Gifts
424 Personnel Files
425 Dress & Grooming
426 Complaint Policy
428 Salary Determination
431 Job Related Expenses
434 Sick Leave - Professional
435 Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993
437 Military Leave of Absence
438 Sabbatical Leave
439 Uncompensated Leave
442 Jury Duty
451 Drug & Alcohol
500 - Classified Employees
501 Creating a Position
504 Employment of Classified Employees
505 Employment of Substitute and Short-Term Employees
506 Temporary Employees
508 Employment Contract
509 Assignment & Transfer
510 Abolishing a Position
511 Suspensions & Furloughs
512 Evaluation of Classified Employees
514.1 HIV Infection
515 Disqualification by Reason of Health
517 Disciplinary Procedures
517.1 Staff-Student Communications
518 Penalties for Tardiness
519 Outside Activities
520 Freedom of Speech in Non-Instructional Settings
521 Political Activities
522 Gifts
524 Personnel Files
525 Dress & Grooming
526 Complaint Policy
528 Wage & Salary Determination
530 Overtime
531 Job Related Expenses
534 Sick Leave - Professional
535 Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993
537 Military Leave of Absence
539 Uncompensated Leave
542 Jury Duty
551 Drug & Alcohol
600 - Finances
601 Objectives
602 Budget Planning
603 Budget Preparation
604 Budget Hearing
605 Tax Levy
606 Tax Collection
607 Tuition Income
608 Bank Accounts
609 Investments
610 Purchases Subject To Bid
611 Purchases Budgeted
612 Purchases Not Budgeted
613 Cooperative Purchasing
614 Payroll Authorization
615 Payroll Deductions
616 Payment of Claims
618 Special Purpose Funds
619 District Audit - Public
620 Fund Balance
621 Local Taxpayer Bill of Rights
623 Electronic Records/Signatures
624 Post-Issuance Compliance
626 Federal Fiscal Compliance
626.1 Travel Reimbursement-Federal Programs
700 - Property
701 Facilities Planning
702 Gifts, Grants, Donations, Crowdfunding
703 Sanitary Management
704 Maintenance
705 Facilities and Workplace Safety
706 Property Records
707 Facilities Use
708 Lending School Owned Equipment & Books
709 Building Security
710 Use of Facilities By Staff
711 Integrated Pest Management Plan
711.1 Facility Dogs
712 Energy Policy
715 Use of Fax Machines
716 Commercial Advertising on School District Property
717 Camera Surveillance
718 Cell Phones
719 Service Animals in School
800 - Operations
800 Records Management
801 Public Records
802 School Organizations
803 School Calendar
804 School Day
805 Emergency Preparedness and Response
805.1 Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
805.2 School Security Personnel
805.3 School Police Equipment
806 Child Abuse Reporting & Investigations
806.1 Reporting Suspected Abuse by School Employees
806.2 Clearances
807 Opening Exercises
808 Food Services
810 Transportation
810.1 Transportation Personnel - Drug & Alcohol Testing
810.2 Transportation Driver History Records
812 Property Insurance
813 Other Insurance
814 Copyright Material
816 Internet
816-Form A Staff Equipment Sign Out Form
816-Form B Staff Acceptable Use Policy
816-Form C Student Acceptable Use Policy
819 Suicide Prevention, Awareness, and Response
819-Attachment Attachment to Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response
818 Contracted Services
822 A.E.D. Policy
824 Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries
827 Conflict of Interest
828 Fraud
830 Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification
831 Data Governance - Storage/Security
900 - Community
901 Public Relations Objectives
902 Publications Program
903 Public Participation in Board Meetings
904 Public Attendance at School Events
905 Citizens Advisory Committees
906 Public Complaint Procedures
907 School Visitors
908 Relations with Parents
909 Municipal Government Relations
910 Community Relations
911 News Media Relations
912 Relations with Educational Institutions
913 Nonschool Organizations/Groups/Individuals
914 Relations with Intermediate Unit
916 Volunteers
917 Parental/Family Involvement
918 Parental/Family Engagement
School-Level Parent And Family Engagement Policy-Forge
School-Level Parent And Family Engagement Policy-Northside
School-Level Parent And Family Engagement Policy-Pine
School-Level Parent And Family Engagement Policy-Lingle

Members of the public may email each of the School Board members directly by utilizing the nine individual email addresses listed below.


Members of the public may email and by utilizing this email address, all Board members and superintendent will receive the email. The email will then be listed in the “Communications” section of the next School Board meeting given it is received by noon on the day of the Board meeting. If received after noon on the day of a Board meeting, the email will be listed under “Communications” in the next subsequent Board meeting. The written email communication will then become a part of the permanent record through the meeting minutes. Emails placed in the “Communications” section of the agenda/minutes will not be read aloud during the public meeting.




'25 Braden, Mandy
(717) 473-9249

 '27 Geib, Larry
(717) 964-1823

'27 Gilligan, Suzan
(717) 489-2821

'27 Haldeman, Alicia
(717) 881-1794

'25 Jones, Joshua
(717) 685-6131

'25 Koval, Mike
(717) 875-2549

’27 Laudermilch, Dave
(717) 473-0992

'25 Leiberher, Kayla
(717) 804-4118

 ’27 Martin, Jill